

Established as a branch campus of the SUNY 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 诺顿医学院 in 1976, 宾厄姆顿临床校区每年继续招收大约40名医科学生,学习临床见习和选修课程. 

Image is of the Health Sciences Building where the 宾厄姆顿临床校区 is located

宾厄姆顿校区与社区(非上州)临床设施的医生建立了密切的工作关系, including the UHS Healthcare System, 格思里卢尔德, 私人执业. 宾厄姆顿分校和锡拉丘兹分校的学生都完成了相同的临床实习:家庭医学, 急诊医学, 内科医学, 精神病学, 神经学, 儿科, 妇产科, 和手术.

宾厄姆顿临床校区的一个独特之处在于纵向家庭医学实习, through which students are assigned to one physician office, where they spend a half-day each week for the duration of the clerkship year. The experience is often a highlight of 宾厄姆顿 students' experience, 因为它允许与导师建立更牢固的指导关系和对患者的持续护理. In contrast, students in Syracuse complete the Family Medicine clerkship in a 5-week block.

与宾厄姆顿临床校区的优秀学生和教师见面 以优异的成绩 博客.



Benefits to completing your clerkship year in 宾厄姆顿

Consistent, regular access to attendings. 宾厄姆顿小型医院的亲密性以及你与主治医生一对一的直接接触为你成为一名主治医生提供了很好的准备.

一线机会. 宾厄姆顿临床校区 students are frequently first assist in surgeries, 接生婴儿等等. 宾厄姆顿的学生也有很好的机会与主治医生建立个人关系,他们将为住院医师申请撰写重要的推荐信.

Continuity of Care in Family Medicine. 由于家庭医学轮转,护理连续性的概念在临床校园是无与伦比的. 在你的整个实习期间,你将被安排与主治医生一起在他们的办公室里为他们的(最终也是你的)病人看病.  许多项目主管将对这个独特而创新的想法印象深刻,为医学生的住院实习做好准备. 大多数学生发现他们真的很喜欢家庭医学轮转的设置,并欢迎每周半天的时间来专注于持续的护理.

病理学的前排座位. 你的临床校园经历的亲密性质意味着你经常排在“奇怪”诊断的第一个. 在宾厄姆顿,在把病人送到三级医疗中心之前,你是筛选数据并做出诊断的人. 您的宾厄姆顿临床校园体验将使您为您的货架和USMLE第二步考试做好充分准备, 还有住院医师.


Through its clinical affiliates, UHS医院, 格思里卢尔德, and a network of family care centers, the 宾厄姆顿 program offers nearly the same required clerkships as the Syracuse program. 主要网站包括:
  • 大学保健处威尔逊纪念医院 offers all of the advanced clinical services associated with a large, acute-care facility including a neonatal intensive care unit, 二级创伤中心, cardiac center and Gamma Knife and CyberKnife technologies.
  • UHS 宾厄姆顿 General Hospital includes a center for reconstructive surgery, 肾透析装置, 睡眠障碍小组, psychiatric and substance abuse services.
  • UHS Chenango Memorial Hospital 在诺维奇, 纽约是一家拥有138张床位的社区医院,学生可以选择在这里完成外科手术和/或妇产科实习.
  • 格思里卢尔德 is the regional radiation center for cancer treatment and has a hospice program.

Selection of 学生 for the 宾厄姆顿 Campus

所有医学院的学生在纽约州立大学上州医科大学锡拉丘兹校区完成他们的基础科学课程. 大约有四分之一的160名新生将在宾厄姆顿临床校区度过他们的见习期,也可能是最后一年. Soon after the admissions interview, each applicant is asked to indicate a campus preference for Syracuse, 宾厄姆顿, 或者没有偏好. The admissions committee reviews applications, blind to the campus preference. Upon acceptance to the 医学院, the applicant's preference will be taken into account and a campus assigned.

有关纽约州立大学医学院录取的信息,请访问 招生网站.

宾厄姆顿临床校区 Location

纽约州立大学宾厄姆顿推荐最近最火的赌博软件临床校区位于宾厄姆顿大学健康科学大楼的5楼, 位于48 Corliss大道. 在纽约约翰逊市. 课程、科目考试和跨专业教育通常在这座大楼进行.

宾厄姆顿 Campus 常见问题


答:没有. 临床见习在两个校区使用相同的教学大纲和相同的教育目标.


Q: Is one campus better than the other for certain specialties?

答:没有. Because both campuses have the same curriculum and students complete the same clerkships, neither is better than the other in terms of preparation for specific specialties.


Q:  So what ARE the main differences between the campuses?

A:  The biggest difference is the structure of the Family Medicine (FM) clerkship. 在锡拉丘兹, FM is a 5-week block clerkship, while in 宾厄姆顿 FM is longitudinal, 这意味着学生在整个学年中每周要花半天时间在他们指定的临床地点. 这种纵向见习通常是宾厄姆顿临床学院学生最喜欢的经历, as it allows for deeper relationships with attendings and continuity of care with patients.


Q:  Where will I complete my clerkship rotations?

A:  Our clinical affiliates include the UHS Hospital System, 格思里·卢尔德医院, 恩德威尔家庭医生, and a handful of other local practices.

  • UHS威尔逊医疗中心, 拥有280个床位, is designated a 24-hour level-2 adult trauma, 中风和胸痛中心,是一个区域转诊中心,提供多种高水平的医疗和外科服务. 大学保健处宾厄姆顿总医院设有220张病床,提供普通门诊服务和24小时急诊服务. BGH houses orthopedic surgery, chemical dependency treatment service, 行为健康项目, 和胃肠病学. 学生 spend the bulk of their clerkship time at UHS facilities.
  • 格思里卢尔德医院拥有大约200张床位,是一个地区癌症中心. 学生轮岗在卢尔德急救医学实习,一些花时间在格思里卢尔德医院的外科和家庭医学实习.
  • Many of our Family Medicine preceptors are employed by 恩德威尔家庭医生, 一个备受推崇的, 本地的实践.


Q:  What is the learning experience like in 宾厄姆顿?

答:宾厄姆顿临床校区的学生有充足的机会前排座位的程序和治疗. 更少的学生和住院医生意味着有更多的主动学习时间,我们的学生报告说他们是手术的第一助手, 提供婴儿, operating a bone saw and more.


Q:  Is the 宾厄姆顿 campus better for students interested in Rural Medicine?

A:  While 宾厄姆顿 is smaller than Syracuse, it is still a city. 两个校区都为那些对农村医学感兴趣的人提供了在农村环境中学习经验的机会.


Q:  Where would I live as a 宾厄姆顿临床校区 student?

答:临床校园的工作人员努力为每年的班级提供最新的公寓信息. There is no University-run housing, 但学生可以在三城地区(宾厄姆顿-恩迪科特-约翰逊城)找到负担得起的选择。.


Q:  What happens after the clerkship year?

A:  Once the clerkship year is complete, 学生可以选择留在宾厄姆顿地区完成宾厄姆顿的选修课,也可以选择返回锡拉丘兹. 选择在宾厄姆顿学习至少12个选修学分的学生可能有资格在日内瓦塔免费住宿8周,以完成主校区的选修课程.

Give to the 宾厄姆顿临床校区!

参观 推荐最近最火的赌博软件的基础,选择“其他”并输入 基金# 045 to support programs of the Clinical Campus in 宾厄姆顿.